Innovative, Original & Down-to-Earth (Review)
I had the privilege to go through the action guide, entitled, You Can Do. The website, although short in its present form, embodies an action plan—simple, implementable and without dependence of foreign aid whatsoever—which addresses the basic human concerns of the people at large of the developing countries. The ideas are indeed innovative, original and people-oriented.
A document of this nature normally incorporates inputs and contributions from various outstanding professionals. But it is amazing that this particular one is the brainchild of one single individual, Mr. Sichendra Bista—Founder President of Global Initiatives for Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Action.
The website gives a broad view of the Movement Millennium, to begin from September 23, 1999 as a prelude to the commencement of the 3rd Millennium. It aims at bringing about Blue, White, Green and Pink revolutions. The prescriptions for such revolutions are down-to-earth, without any undue strain to the community and to the people at large in terms of financial involvement or mental or physical distractions. On the other hand, it contains simple formulae that motivate individuals to act.
I would like to add my voice to those calling for actions on the various fronts that Mr. Bista proposes, if we are to usher in the new Millennium with hopes and vision.
I, on my part urge the civic societies, as well as the regional and global organizations that have consistently shown concern for development-related activities to peruse the ideas set forth in this website and if possible lend a helping hand to make the Movement Millennium a success.
Last but not least, I appeal to everyone, who comes across this action guide, to reflect and to ponder and ask yourself—“Hasn't the time come for me to just act for the common good?”

Yadab Kant Silwal, Secretary-General (1994-95)
South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation—SAARC