Salvage the world from collapsing (Review)
“What have I done for my family, my friends, and my society for that matter, except to please myself and satisfy my ego?”
This is a question about life that most of us ask ourselves at one time or another.
When forced child soldiery and labor, violence against women, death due to hunger, lack of safe drinking water and access to proper health services, population increase beyond the Earth's carrying capacity and deterioration of the global environment by the minute have become the norm of our times, we must stop to consider what can be done to solve these complex problems.
We must admit that these problems have emanated from our selfish and intolerant attitude to others and the rampant materialism of our societies.
The action guide to the Movement Millennium entitled, You Can Do, is a truly remarkable document featuring the type of forward-looking ideas and suggestions that are required to salvage the world from collapsing. I congratulate Mr. Sichendra Bista for the simple and inexpensive yet action- oriented ideas that he has put together.
What we need now is the collective contribution and participation of every individual on earth to translate his ideas into practical action in the hope of transforming the world into a healthier place in every aspect so that its peoples can live together happy and contented.

Ibrahim Hussain Zaki
Minister for Planning and National Development
Republic of Maldives