Together, we can do it (Message)
I am pleased to announce the launching of Movement Millennium, a modest campaign of Global Initiatives for Sustainable Development and Humanitarian Action, expected to generate adequate momentum for bringing about a pro-human development revolution through grassroots action. The campaign also drives home the message that the Planet Earth can no longer be sustained without the concerted efforts of the people of the developed as well as the developing world. The solution to the burning issue of sustainability lies in finding an appropriate mechanism, which, apart from being practical, should equally be affordable.
The action guide, You Can Do, attempts to accelerate and strengthen the on-going activities aimed at improving the standard of quality of water, health, education and environment. Referred to as Blue, Pink, White and Green Revolutions, these initiatives urge individuals, groups and societies worldwide to make their contributions, however modest, for the fulfillment of the basic human needs.
In addition to the plans for creating an amicable environment for long-term sustainability of humankind, the action guide also encourages just act initiatives such as organ donations which can be taken up immediately. It has further attracted our attention to the urgent need to intensify our efforts in safeguarding the children from forced labor and engagement in armed conflicts as well as protecting women from violence. It reminds us of our responsibility to share with the senior citizens the fruits of our prosperity in the next Millennium.
Top priority should be accorded in all Agendas of the next century to enable the majority to have access to the basic human survival and development needs.
By taking part in the Movement Millennium, directly or indirectly, you, too, can experience the joy of giving. Come and join the group of the proud people who have come forward with the sole objective of building a better and happier world for everybody. Together, we can do it.

Kirti Nidhi Bista, GI Chair of Trustees
Prime Minister of Nepal (1969-70/ 1971-73/ 1977-78)