Independent Sector Organizations

Independent Sector Organizations (ISOs) of all kinds—women's groups and youth movements, neighborhood associations, self-help groups, private voluntary organizations and charities, and cooperative movements—can make vital contribution to organize to build demand for, and participation in the development services in the multi-pronged activities under Movement Millennium.

Among more than 3,000 international voluntary organization and tens of thousands of non-governmental organizations worldwide, many have pioneered new ways of empowering the people with knowledge, technical know-how, skills and self-confidence.

Some 3,200 independent sector organizations are directly involved in promoting the themes under Movement Millennium.

Following independent bodies can incorporate the agendas for action under Movement Millennium in their respective plan of action while promoting the social objective of the Movement through their communications, membership and educational networks like newsletters, websites, intranets, brochures, mailings and courses:

International Voluntary Bodies and Networks

International Voluntary Bodies and Networks like Rotary, Lions, Red Cross and Red Crescent, IPPF, International Association of Educators for World Peace, International Peace Bureau, Society for International Development, Greenpeace and Green Cross, National Geographic Society, The Nature Conservancy, Reiyukai Movement, Soka Gakkai International;

Development and Humanitarian Aid Agencies

Development and Humanitarian Aid Agencies like the UN and its specialized agencies, HelpAge, Global Water Partnership, JICA, DANIDA, FINNIDA, CECI, GTZ, VSO, SIDA, Peace Corps, Save the Children;

Youth Organizations

Youth organizations like Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, Rotaract and Interact Clubs, Sierra Clubs, Leo Clubs, Junior Red Cross Societies, Jaycees, boy and girl cadets, eco-clubs; and

Women's and Community Groups

Women's and community groups like mothers' groups, self-help groups, local clubs, consumer groups, health committees, local NGOs etc.